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What Week to Give Co2 to Flowering Pot Plant

CO2 doesn't do magic but if used to complement a good growing space information technology can increase the yields upwardly to xxx%!


  • 1. What exactly is co2?
  • ii. How do plants use co2?
  • two. a. Transpiration
  • 2. b. Photosynthesis
  • two. c. Respiration
  • 3. When should you use co2?
  • four. Pros and cons of co2
  • v. How much co2 should i use?
  • 6. Recommendations
  • vii. Calculating the amount of co2 required
  • viii. How to add co2 to your grow room
  • 8. a. Alternative co2 injection methods
  • ix. In conclusion

CO2 is commonly found in the air at 400ppm and plants need it as much as they demand NPK. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for photosynthesis and when we increase the levels (along with the advisable environs) information technology volition aid our plant grow faster, tougher and produce more buds. And so, does CO2 really increase yields? This can be a tricky question to reply! Supplementing your grow room with boosted CO2 may increase overall yields past upward to 30%, simply it is important to empathise that any increase in yields will exist a effect of a combination of factors. Before nosotros get ahead of ourselves allow'south kickoff quickly go over exactly what CO2 is, and how CO2 is utilized past cannabis plants in guild to understand how it works.

1. What Exactly is CO2?

Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, is a naturally occurring gas that is vital for all life on earth. It is an odorless gas consisting of one function carbon and two parts oxygen. Animals exhale in oxygen and breathe carbon dioxide, while plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. CO2 is an essential part of the ecosystem of our planet and without it, we would not have life as we know it.

With the rise of the public understanding of global warming in the past ii decades, CO2 has earned a somewhat bad reputation. And sure, while we all should exist aware of the rising CO2 levels in our atmosphere, and exist trying to do our best to reduce CO2 usage in our day-to-solar day lives, supplementing our grow areas with minuscule amounts of the gas is more than than acceptable.

2. How Practice Plants Use CO2?

Like all other green plants, cannabis utilizes a process known as "photosynthesis" to convert calorie-free energy into chemic free energy. During photosynthesis, plants capture this light energy which is then used to convert H2O, CO2, and minerals into energy-rich compounds like oxygen and carbohydrates (or sugars).

Plants "breathe" CO2 through small holes chosen stomata, this breathing procedure forth with the advisable lite (light fixture or sunlight) will allow your found to produce more than sugars and oxygen; the sugars being used in plant growth and oxygen the oxygen released back in the air.

Only similar all plants, cannabis plants "breathe", if provided the correct style, information technology can make their cells multiply faster and result in bigger yields. Just make certain that you practice information technology correctly because CO2 can be harmful, resulting in stretched plants with yellow leaves and no buds at all.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: how a plant breathes

Cannabis plants demand high CO2 levels and light to perform photosynthesis, which is washed through the stomatas.

An increased corporeality of CO2 in the abound room will let your plant to perform photosynthesis faster, absorbing more light and nutrients, resulting in faster growth and in bigger yield because the buds develop denser.


CO2 levels are besides of import for the transpiration procedure which is vital for all plants, including cannabis.

Transpiration is basically the water period that begins with the roots arresting water and ends when that water is released into the air through the stomata every bit vapor.

This procedure is common in most living beings, such as plants, humans, and animals, so you definitely know how information technology works, when talking about plants near 100% of the h2o is released, assuasive the institute to send and use the nutrients while making certain the found "functions" as it should.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: transpiration

Transpiration is a vital process for about living beings.

CO2 is important in this process because it can bear on how much the stomata opens or closes, which volition impact the transpiration procedure and for bigger plants that can absorb a lot of water, information technology's essential that the CO2 levels are on point to avoid slowing down growth.


Autonomously from being of import for transpiration, CO2 levels play a big part in photosynthesis. As you may know, plants perform photosynthesis to produce sugars that are essential for plant growth.

Plants use CO2 and energy from the lord's day (or light fixture) to make the carbohydrate molecules and oxygen which are then synthesized thanks to the transpiration process, producing glucose which is vital for cannabis plants and all other plants to grow.

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The process of respiration is a vital process that uses the sugars produced during photosynthesis and is basically a chemical reaction that occurs in the cells of all living beings, used to provide energy for institute growth. In plants, these oxygen and CO2 exchanges happen via the pores (chosen stomata) found in the leaves, stems, and roots while photosynthesis takes place in the leaves and stems only.

When this respiration process occurs, plants will utilise the glucose produced during photosynthesis to provide the plant with energy.

Just dissimilar photosynthesis, in that location are 2 types of respiration:

  • Dark respiration;
  • And Photorespiration.


During the 24-hour interval, plants accept in CO2 and release oxygen through photosynthesis (in the presence of low-cal) which is the basic process near of united states of america learned in school and know.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: photorespiration

During photorespiration, plants release oxygen and absorb CO2.

But when a plant is not performing photosynthesis, it will even so demand to "breathe", and that'due south where the nighttime respiration comes in.

Dark Respiration

Nighttime respiration is a class of respiration that occurs when plants are not performing photosynthesis, pregnant that they are not under sunlight or artificial lighting. During this procedure, plants release CO2 due to the processes they're performing and blot oxygen through the roots.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: dark respiration

During dark respiration plants release CO2 and absorb oxygen.

Have in heed that nighttime respiration isn't exclusive to cannabis plants, other living things such as microorganisms besides perform night respiration so you might be familiar or might take heard about it.

3. When should y'all use CO2?

Carbon dioxide can be used in the vegetative and flowering stage but plants only need CO2 when performing photosynthesis so you should only inject information technology when the lights are turned on.

Besides, you shouldn't increase the CO2 levels always, carbon dioxide should exist used in combination with a number of factors, without these elements you may exist able to see improvement merely won't be what yous expect.

Fattening Up Your Buds For Your Best Harvest Yet

Vegetative stage

When using CO2 during the vegetative stage, your plants will grow faster, stronger and healthier, and when done correctly you lot volition benefit from the bigger yields and in other things like not having to worry with giving support to the branches.

Flowering stage

Some growers say you should only inject carbon dioxide during the commencement ii-three weeks of flowering, although others say that an increased CO2 level upwards to 2 weeks earlier harvest tin result in denser buds, there's no proof and information technology's basically upwardly to you and what you discover works in your instance.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: appropriate light fixture

You need the appropriate lite to do good from CO2.

To properly use CO2, you need to utilise high-intensity and good quality lights, and according to the type of light you lot will have to suit the carbon dioxide levels, temperature and amount of nutrients because cannabis uses CO2 in the presence of light, so the college the intensity, the more than carbon dioxide information technology will demand.

Indoor lights for Cannabis grow LED vs Bulbs

4. Pros and cons of CO2

Despite the benefits, adding CO2 tin can be expensive. Y'all should think if the benefits are worth it before starting injecting CO2 into your growing infinite.


Faster growth and bigger yields

If you're an experienced grower and accept a summit notch growing space, injecting CO2 can help you lot abound bigger plants that produce improve quality and bigger buds.

Grow in higher temperatures

Considering cannabis plants utilize CO2 to " breathe", a high concentration (1200-1500PPM) of carbon dioxide allows y'all to have college temperatures in the growing room, being able to reach up to 30°C.


CO2 tin can assistance you mask the smell because some methods of injecting carbon dioxide will create a natural smell that helps embrace upward the cannabis smell.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: pros and cons

Pros and cons of injecting CO2 into your growing tent.


Not very effective if you don't accept good lights

Near common lights aren't stiff plenty to utilize CO2 appropriately, y'all will demand a very strong LED or Light seedling to benefit from this.

Needs an airtight growing space

When trying to maintain an elevated CO2 PPM, you will demand an airtight growing infinite and then information technology doesn't dissipate.


Depending on the size of your growing room, it can be quite expensive to inject CO2 because the cheapest methods aren't very good unless yous take a small number of plants then y'all will take to invest a bit.

five. How much CO2 should I employ?

Plants are used to high carbon dioxide levels and even though we don't see it, there is really CO2 in the air, found at approximately 400PPM.

When injecting CO2 we need to start know our light intensity to then know the limit on how much CO2 our plants tin take but have in mind that the maximum is effectually 1500PPM, the following table gives yous an idea of how it should be used.

CO2 and Light intensity

Calorie-free Intensity (μmol/chiliad2/southward) CO2 (PPM) Relative Photosynthesis %
200-450 400 0-25
450-800 800 25-50
800-chiliad 1400 l-75
1000-1400 +1400 (gradually increase, check and adjust) 75-100

Relation of lite intensity, CO2 levels, temperature and nutrients for proper use of carbon dioxide injections.

If you see your plants getting weak or yellow stop using CO2 and effort to find out what's wrong, when this happens it's usually too much CO2 accumulated or information technology's too hot.

Recollect that CO2 doesn't do magic and increasing the CO2 without the appropriate environment will impairment your plants.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: symptoms

When injecting carbon dioxide in an inappropriate environment you volition showtime to run across signs of unhealthy plants.

When growing indoors it is crucial to accept a ventilation system for air substitution, under expert lights plants tin can use CO2 very fast and when the levels autumn to effectually 200PPM the growing rate will be slowed downwards.

If you don't want to invest in an exhaust fan or CO2, you can hands increase information technology by opening your window and letting CO2 in and oxygen out.

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6. Recommendations

  • Ever make sure you can benefit from CO2, using carbon dioxide inappropriately tin can damage your plants.
  • To know if you demand to inject CO2 read the specifications, most manufacturers will indicate if you need to increase the levels and how much.
  • Have a good CO2 meter in your growing space because if the levels go over 2000PPM it volition exist toxic for your plants.
  • You can stop injecting CO2 when the lights are off because plants can't perform photosynthesis without light.

7. Calculating the Amount of CO2 Required

So, you take been growing for a while. Your yields take been adept, but yous are looking for any possible way to assist them increment. CO2 may be the answer - only that doesn't mean you should instantly run out and buy a tank of CO2, place it in your grow space and open up the valve. This would not only be unsafe for your own wellness, but information technology would most probable kill your plants.

Thankfully, there is a really cracking and simple calculation that you tin exercise to assist yous work out exactly how much CO2 needs to exist added to your grow room. Allow's say we want to increase the CO2 levels to 1400ppm. You just need to multiply the cubic area of the room by 0.0014. To discover the cubic area of your grow space yous will need to know the exact dimensions of your room. As an example, let's say the abound room is 5 meters wide, 5 meters long, and 2 meters loftier. By multiplying the numbers y'all volition get the cubic area - and so 5 x v x 2 = 50 cubic meters. So y'all just multiply l x 0.0014 = 0.07 cubic meters of CO2 needed in your abound space.

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8. How to add CO2 to your grow room

Now that you know how much does CO2 levels help yields, you need to know that in that location are several means to inject carbon dioxide into your growing room, some are more than suited for bigger grows than others and can be more expensive but at that place are ways to increment the CO2 levels in all types of grows.

Keep in mind that regular air only has about 400 PPM of CO2, so unless you seal your grow infinite whatever added CO2 volition leak out until the internal atmosphere has regulated back downward to this 400 PPM figure. This may not be the biggest issue if you are merely planning to slightly raise the CO2 level, simply if you want to maintain a constant CO2 reading of 1100 - 1500 PPM y'all should brand admittedly certain that the grow space is completely sealed. If not, y'all will just be wasting a agglomeration of CO2. If yous do decide on sealing your grow area and supplementing CO2 at high levels, in that location are a few cardinal details to keep in listen.

Many growers recommend keeping the temperature between 85°F (thirty°C) and 95°F (35°C) within the abound room to ensure that the plants can actually absorb all of the extra CO2. Be certain to proceed a close eye on the plants and make sure they do not suffer from any heat stress. Some strains handle the higher temperatures better than others, so even if these temps have worked fine for previous grows it is best to always be aware of how your current abound is coping with the increased heat. It can exist a bit trickier to control the humidity one time you seal off a grow area. Plants release water vapor aslope oxygen, which in a sealed environs, tin can raise the humidity levels speedily. I recommend trying to go on the humidity levels below the sixty% marking for sealed grow rooms. A dehumidifier may exist needed in this state of affairs.

CO2 generator

Carbon dioxide generators are easy to utilize and can accept an integrated timer that will turn on or off automatically when needed, the downside is they work by burning natural gas or propane and volition produce rut and then it'southward better suited for big growing spaces in which the climate is controlled.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: ways of injecting CO2

In that location are several ways for yous to increase CO2 levels effectively, contained of the size of your growing space.

Compressed CO2 tanks

This is the platonic selection for smaller growing spaces, depending on when you live, it can exist adequately easy to notice CO2 tanks.

CO2 tanks contain saturated carbon dioxide so they don't produce heat but you will need to buy equipment to automate it if you wish to.

Bottled CO2

Some brands sell bottled CO2 for those who don't desire to bargain with expensive or heavy equipment, this like shooting fish in a barrel-to-work-with pre-packaged carbon dioxide bottles content pressurized CO2 that will slowly release it into your growing room only because you cannot seal information technology subsequently, you volition take to buy a bottle after every 5-7 days and information technology tin get expensive.

Information technology really doesn't matter how you practise it as long as you practise it correctly and with the appropriate equipment, if you do it properly you'll definitely come across a large difference.

Alternative CO2 Injection Methods

If you don't desire to spend too much with any of the equipment mentioned above, at that place are alternative methods that are cheaper at first merely can finish upwardly beingness more expensive either due to the fourth dimension you'll spend or simply because they don't last long and aren't as effective equally the more expensive methods.


Composting is similar to the fermentation procedure because it will also produce small amounts of CO2 and also produce a bad odor inside your abound infinite.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: compost

Composting releases co2 just information technology's not the best if you want to go along your grow space clean.

Simply like the method mentioned above, it's only recommended to use in smaller grow spaces due to not being very effective and the possibility of alluring bugs or mold into your tent.

Organic Cannabis Nutrients Composting


Fermentation is a natural procedure that produces CO2, making it a cheap and easy method to inject CO2 into your grow tent but has its downsides, for example, fermentation produces a bad aroma that tin can attract bugs to your grow room.

As well, this method is definitely non recommended for bigger grow spaces; This method will only increment the CO2 levels a tiny flake so nosotros recommend using it when growing around 2-three plants.

CO2 Numberless

CO2 bags are quite pop amongst home growers due to being relatively cheap; These bags consist of fungi growing in organic matter, which produces CO2.

The downside of this method is that it'southward not easy to grow the fungi correctly then if yous're a beginner grower or cannot proceed good growing conditions, it may exist quite hard to use the CO2 bags.

Increase cannabis yields with co2: co2 bags

CO2 bags are great for small spaces but may not be ideal for bigger tents.

As a guideline, you'll need 4 CO2 bags per 2m2, meaning that this method can become quite expensive if you lot're growing in a bigger grow space because they don't produce much CO2.

Dry out Ice

Dry water ice basically is solid and cold CO2 which gets released when it gets warm, making it an effective short-term solution but not a very good long-term solution due to the price; This is because y'all volition take to add the dry ice every solar day (or even multiple times per day) which tin become a bit expensive depending on how you'll be using information technology.

ix. In conclusion

Now that you know how to increase cannabis yield with CO2, remember that a CO2 grow room is ameliorate suited for growers who already maxed out their growing equipment and are looking for alternatives to improve their harvests, if yous're a new grower you indeed can endeavour information technology but it'south better to invest in skillful growing equipment before trying carbon dioxide. It's impossible to know how much volition CO2 levels increase yields but definitely, CO2 boosts yields if you are using it properly; This is considering, by adjusting the CO2 levels, y'all are adjusting how the plants perform their basic processes so information technology's amend to exercise information technology once you empathise these processes a picayune bit and know what you're doing.

If you use CO2 in your abound room, delight feel free to share your feel, leave a comment below!

This post was most recently updated on March 23, 2022.
